Thursday 9 June 2016

How To Play Strip Poker


Part 1
Strip Poker Basics

  1. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 1
    Gather a mixed group of adventurous friends. Make sure they are all consenting adults who actually want to play the game, rather than suggesting it once people have already gathered. Bringing it up spontaneously can leave some people feeling uncomfortable if they don't want to partake.
    • If your group is already flirty or comfortable with each other, consider just arranging a night of strip poker. Otherwise you may want to get your friends together and let the game happen organically.
  2. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 2
    Let everyone relax, possibly with a few drinks. Even confident adults can be a little squeamish about showing their bare essentials. Make sure the vibe is right before you start. A little bit of alcohol can help people overcome their inhibitions.
  3. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 3
    Suggest a game of strip poker and make sure everyone agrees. Don't pressure or force anyone to participate who doesn't want to.
    • If someone does feel too shy, however, you don't necessarily have to kick them out if they are interested in staying to watch. They might change their minds after watching a few hands.
  4. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 4
    Agree on the rules. Decide which of the versions strip-poker below you want to play, what different items of clothing are worth, and so on.
    • Consider deciding how far the game will go and when it will end. Some people might be happy to play until they are completely nude, but others might only feel comfortable stripping until they are in their underwear. Agree on the limits, as well as if and how players will stay in the game once they have run out of clothes to shed.
  5. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 5
    Make sure everyone starts with roughly the same amount of clothing. If some of the girls are in dresses while the guys have socks, ties and belts, have players discard or add accessories until everyone is even. This is optional, but makes the game more fair.
  6. 6
    Pick a kind of poker. Poker is a popular game using a standard deck of playing cards in which players are dealt cards and wager on the strength of their hands. Make sure your friends know how to play and know how to rank the traditional poker hands: from high card through pairs, straights, flushes, a full-house, four-of-a-kind, straight flush and so on. There are several popular poker variations, but not all of them are great fits for strip poker. Here are the two traditional options:
    • Play five-card draw. Probably the easiest version for a casual game of strip poker. Each player is dealt five cards and gets to exchange one or more of those cards for an equal number off the top of the deck. They bet or fold before and after the exchange and the remaining player with the highest hand wins.
    • Play Texas Hold'em. Each player is dealt two face-down cards and looks to combine them with a pool of five gradually revealed community cards. There are several rounds of betting, and the remaining player who can make the best five-card hand wins.
  7. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 7
    Deal cards and play hands as you would in poker. Unlike in normal poker, where you play to win chips or money, the nominal objective in strip poker is to keep your clothes on while the losing players remove their clothing one piece at a time.
  8. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 8
    If you lose a hand, strip. The game isn't fun if you can't enjoy losing as well as winning, so have fun with it! Maybe do a flirty dance when it comes time to remove a significant piece of clothing.
  9. 9
    Keep playing until someone—or perhaps everyone but the winner—is down to their undergarments or, if you prefer, completely naked. This is the traditional end of the game. Once a winner is declared, let everyone have their clothes back—or keep playing in the nude for new stakes!
    • You can combine your game of strip poker with truth-or-dare. Let players who lose all their clothes keep playing with different penalties if they lose, such as having to answer a truth or do a dare. Just keep your dares within a realm everyone is comfortable with.

Part 2
EditStrip Poker Variations

  1. 1
    Strip every time you lose a hand. This is the simplest—and fastest—way to play. Simply deal out cards and play out a hand of poker with no betting. At the end the player with the highest hand wins and everyone else is required to remove a piece of clothing.
    • Alternatively, have only the player with the lowest hand in each showdown strip. This is a slower version of the game, for a more extended evening of fun.
    • If you want, you can let players fold early in the hand—such as before the flop in Texas Hold'em—to avoid having to strip. However this obviously gives shy players the option to hardly participate at all, which can defeat the fun of the game.
  2. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 11
    Let the winner choose who strips. This version is a great way to reveal hidden crushes and flirtations within a group. Play out a hand as normal, and at the end the person with the highest hand gets to choose one person in the group to lose and article of clothing.
    • With this variation especially, make sure no one in your game is likely to get jealous or territorial. In a group of friends it can be fun to find out who wants who to show a little more skin, but not if the answer is going to make anyone upset.
    • Don't pick on any one person. Conspiring just to strip down one player completely, especially in a larger group, is less fun, and can feel uncomfortable and predatory to that person.
  3. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 12
    Bet clothes instead of chips. Deal out hands and let players bet an item or items of clothing instead of chips, which must be matched by the same or equivalent item by anyone who wants to call. Players without good enough hands can fold. After the showdown, the players who stayed in and lost remove the clothes they wagered.
  4. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 13
    Exchange clothes for chips. Play a normal game of poker with chips or cash bets, but allow players who run low to trade in items of clothing to the bank or another player for a loan of chips. This is the version of the game that most resembles actual poker, with betting, bluffing and strategy. Playing this version
    • Different items of clothing can either all have the same value, or can increase in value the closer they put a player to being naked. For instance if socks are worth $10, a shirt might be worth $30, and an undergarment could be worth $60.
    • If a player trades in some clothing and later wins a large pot, you should decide whether he or she is allowed to buy back some of their clothes. Letting them buy back some modesty adds a further layer of strategy to the game, while having players stay stripped keeps the game moving.
  5. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 14
    Play heads-up with your lover. Strip poker is classically a group activity, but you can adapt it into a fun game of foreplay with your significant other or potential paramour. With only two players there isn't much point in betting or strategy, so simply deal out hands and reveal them. The player with the lower hand loses a piece of clothing.

Part 3
EditStrip Poker Etiquette

  1. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 15
    Don't be rude or judgmental about other players' bodies. Not everyone who plays strip poker should have to be a supermodel. Just be kind and recognize that the other players are putting themselves out there and shouldn't be judged or insulted for the way they look.
  2. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 16
    Don't assume going in that strip poker will turn sexual—or won't. Some games among adults can turn into something more, but most just involve just a little loss of modesty. If a sexual situation does arise, make sure everyone is happy with that, or keep the game platonic.
  3. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 17
    Stop the game if someone gets upset. Make sure everyone is playing because they are having fun, and don't force anyone to stay who doesn't want to. If something happens to ruin the good vibe, cut your losses and let everyone go home.
  4. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 18
    Don't get jealous or territorial. If you are at a game of strip poker with your romantic partner or a friend you may be attracted to, watching other people see that person naked can spark some unhappy feelings. Keep these instincts in check—getting petty or angry is the fastest way to ruin the game for everyone.
  5. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 19
    Don't sexualize or objectify other players. A little flirtation is expected, but coming on too strong will be a big turn-off to everyone.
  6. Image titled Play Strip Poker Step 6

How to Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game In Poker


Method 1
Playing Your Position
  1. 1
    Know what your position at the table means. In Texas Hold’em the dealer changes with every hand and understanding where you are in relation to the dealer will help you develop a strategy to win Texas Hold’em.[1]
    • The dealer usually has the strongest position as he has the button and the ability to bet last. The player who bets last will have the most information to work with as they’ve seen all other players bet before making a move.
    • The player to the right of the right of the dealer, sometimes known as the “cutoff” can potentially be in a stronger position than the dealer as he has the ability to bet big enough to force the dealer out.
    • Players in early betting positions are the weakest as they have the least amount of information to go on. However, there is a bit of a balancing out for the first round if you are either the big or small blind, as you have a bet already on the table.[2]
  2. 2
    Use your position to narrow the field. Narrowing the field means eliminating the other players for the hand. Some players will use a bet big strategy to win Texas Hold’em, and while this may work, it also means you’re more likely to lose big. Instead, try a strategy where you make smaller, smarter bets to force other players to fold.
    • If you’re positioned at the top of the betting round you can make smaller bets and wait to see how other players react.
    • Regardless of where you are positioned, your hand will indicate how you should proceed. Pairs are your best option and the higher the pair the better off you are. Also look to see if your cards are of the same suit as suited cards also give you a better chance and can allow for a flush.[3]
    • If you do have a good hand you can make a larger bet to force other players out, especially if you have the opportunity to wait to see how the other players have bet. For example, if other players aren’t betting very high, you can raise the pot and force a fold.
  3. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 4
    Let other players battle it out. If you are in an earlier position you do have the benefit of being able call and then waiting to see how other players handle the betting. If a player bets big after you’ve called, you now know that he is either bluffing, or has a good hand. Chances are other players will make moves that indicate where the pot is going.
    • When you are later to act in a round of betting you are at a great advantage. This is helpful against predictable players who always check with weak hands and raise with good hands. You can play marginal hands and bet when they check to you. You can also re-raise players who bluff too much.
  4. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 2
    Know when to fold based on your position. Sometimes you just get a bad hand and in an early position. This is a long game so sometimes your strategy for winning Texas Hold’em involves folding and waiting until you’re in a better position.
    • If you’ve already bet but see other players raising the pot and you don’t have a good hand it might be best to take the hit and fold your hand. This way when you’re in a better position in a later hand, you’ll still have your chips to bet with.
    • Try not to fold before the flop unless a player is betting extremely large and you have a bad hand like a two and six. Even though this hand doesn’t look promising on its own it could create a straight, two pairs, three of a kind, or even a full house. But, if you’re in an early position and have to raise your bet to stay in with an unlikely winning hand, it might be best to fold.

Method 2
Reading Your Opponents

  1. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 9
    Read the table and the players. Reads are a very important part of poker. Practice putting your opponent on hands, meaning making educated guesses as to what his cards are, and profiling what type of player he is based on the hands he plays and how he plays them.[4] With enough practice you’ll soon see that you can narrow your opponent's hand down to a few possibilities.
    • This involves paying attention to players’ tendencies. Note which players like to bet big, who plays a tight game, etc.
  2. 2
    Look for tells. Everyone, even the best poker players in the world will have a tell. Some players are just much better at disguising them. This doesn’t exactly mean seeing if a player itches his nose every time he has a good hand. It’s more about finding a pattern in a player’s betting and folding habits. After all, any strategy to win Texas Hold’em involves playing all the cards, not just your own.
    • Pay attention to see if a player folds early when he has a bad hand. If he is suddenly betting in several rounds then chances are he has a good hand.
    • Take note on the size of bets and look for patterns. If a player usually just calls or makes the minimum bet and is suddenly acting out of character that could be a tell.
    • More obvious tells are head scratching, sighing, and even how the player is sitting. A relaxed player might have a good hand while a player with a bad hand might be slumping. Read body language to inform you.
  3. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 5
    Play the player. If your opponent is a tight player, meaning he’s careful with his bets, you can loosen up and play weaker starting hands like K-J unsuited, “bad aces” like A-3, or or a lower pair. If he comes at you with a raise, you might be beat and should throw away marginal hands.
    • Perhaps you’re up against a player who is looser with his bets. You can play him against himself by baiting him into raising his bets. If you have a good hand and you know your opponent likes to bet, then go ahead and see if you can draw him out. Just be mindful that he might have a good hand as well.
  4. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 8
    Bluff. Bluffing is an art learned over time. If you are new to bluffing, then try doing it on smaller bets that won’t impact you too much if you lose. Focus on staying consistent with your actions, and try not to let your voice or face give you away.
    • Betting with a hand that is not out rightly a probable winner is a good way to get used to bluffing. If you have an decent hand but you think the odds are good that it may improve with more cards coming down the river, this can be a great way to practice bluffing and end up being a very profitable play.
    • You basically have two ways to win through a bluff. Your opponents think that they can’t beat you based on your bets and fold right away, or you keep bluffing in the hopes that you can make the best hand (usually flush or straight). This tactic works best in later position if everyone checks to you.

Method 3
Calculating the Odds

  1. 1
    Play fewer hands. As long as you have chips on the table you’re in the game. Playing fewer hands is a strategy to win Hold’em that involves you waiting for the right cards.
    • In Hold’em, there are a 169 combinations of hands of you can be dealt, not including hands of the same suit. suits.[5]Only five of those hands are premium hands that will give you the best chance at winning.
      • AA
      • KK
      • QQ
      • JJ
      • AK - if they’re the same suit.
    • There are fifteen hands that are considered top hands including the five above. Other combos include the Ace and face cards, along with high numbered pairs like two (2) tens.
    • That means that you should focus on playing hands that are most likely going to reward you instead of trying to constantly bluff or out bet other players with a weaker hand.
  2. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 6
    Get rid of small pockets as soon as they don’t serve you. This doesn’t mean immediately folding if you get dealt one of these hands, especially if you’re either big or small blind and have already bet.
    • Hands like 2-2 ,5-5 or 7-7 lose most of their value after the flop unless you make a set (three of a kind) so it’s better not to hold out for something down the river and just cut your losses.
    • You don’t always have to fold on a small pocket as they could lead to a winning hand, but don’t let yourself get carried away just because you start with a pair.
  3. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 7
    Play the pot odds. If there is a large pot, say $100 and your opponent has raised another $100 then it’s usually a mistake to chase the pot hoping that you can end up with something like a flush or straight. This strategy typically has you losing more than winning.
    • Don’t always chase straight and flush draws even though it’s tempting. A skilled opponent won’t let you see the next card without first paying up unless he’s confident he has your draw beat and is trying to win the pot as quickly as possible.
    • While making large bets is a tactic to forcing other players to fold, sometimes a bet that’s very large can be an indication that your opponent has the winning hand.
  4. Image titled Use Strategy to Win a Texas Hold’ Em Game Step 3
    Be assertive when the odds are in your favor. Remember that these strategies for winning Texas Hold’em rely largely on you being patient and taking in as many small or medium pots as you can instead of a couple larger ones. If you’ve employed the other strategies here and have waited for quality hands, you can use what you know to beat your opponents.
    • For example. The odds of getting two cards that you need on the turn or the river is less than 1%. So as soon as you have a hand you’re confident you can win with, bet like you’re going to win.
    • Raise before the flop and if you hit your hand keep betting, but don’t overdo it, one pair won’t often win big pots, but a high pair can lead to a solid win if you can force other players out quickly. When you play aggressively, you can put your opponents onto the defensive and can force them out making it less likely for someone to make a better hand than you.

Play Poker- Essential Strategies

Part 3
Essential Strategies
  1. Image titled Play Poker Step 15.png
    Know your starting hands. When you’re starting your initial round of betting, it’s important to know whether or not the hand you have is worth playing. In Texas Hold’em, you have two cards to start, and you’ll need to decide if you should play them or fold.
    • Hands to raise: Pairs of tens, face cards or Aces are almost always a good hand to raise with. An Ace and a King or an Ace and a Queen are strong hands as well. If you have these hands, bet before the flop to raise the value of the pot.
    • Hands to call: An Ace with a face card, or two consecutive face cards of a different suit are strong hands to call with. Two consecutive non-face cards of the same suit can work in your favor. Low pairs should call, but not raise.
  2. Image titled Play Poker Step 16.png
    Know when to hold and when to fold. The key to being successful at poker is knowing when to fold your hand and accept a smaller loss, or when to hold onto it and risk a larger loss knowing that you have a good chance to win the pot. If the flop comes and you’re holding a hand that doesn’t play, check and fold. You don’t want to keep betting money at a hand that won’t win. If the flop comes and you have a strong hand, bet at it. This will force weaker hands out and raise the value of your pot.
    • If your hand could play if the right cards come up, then you’ll want to determine if it’s worth holding out for them. Calculating pot odds can go a long way towards helping you make these decisions.
    • Pot odds are calculated by determining the percentage chance that you have to draw the card you need. To calculate them, count the number of outs you have. These are cards that will improve your hand. Multiply the number of cards times two, then add 1 to get the percentage. For example, if there are 10 cards in the deck that could improve your hand, you have about a 21% (10 x 2 + 1) chance of getting a card you need.
    • Next, you’ll need to determine if it is worth betting. Calculate the pot+bet, which is the pot total plus the bet to call. So if the pot is $120, and the bet to call is $20, then the pot+bet is $140. Multiply your percentage of your outs with the pot+bet. In the previous example, a 21% chance with a pot+bet of $140 would look like 0.21 x 140 = 29.4. This means you should call bets lower than %29 of the pot, or around $40. [1]
    • Working out the pot odds is only a guideline and doesn’t take a lot of variables into account. Use it as a basis to judge the worthiness of a hand.
  3. Image titled Play Poker Step 17.png
    Understand the psychology. Playing your opponent is arguably more important than playing your cards in poker. You have to be able to read what your opponent is doing, as well as trick them into not knowing your plan.
    • Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment. You will lose hands, it’s guaranteed. Don’t let setbacks affect your attitude and playstyle.
    • Change up your pace. If you’ve been playing your cards close, and not betting wildly, start bluffing a bit more. If you’ve been bluffing, go back to playing tighter. Switching often will keep opponents from being able to predict your actions and guess your cards.
    • Read your opponent. Adjust your playstyle to your opponents’. Look for players that are betting carelessly, and try to trap them. Learn to see the tells, which can give you an estimation of their hand. Some basic tells: a hand over the mouth is usually concealing a smile; shaking hands is nervous, but that could be a good nervous or bad nervous; if a player glances at his or her chips when the flop comes, they probably have a strong hand; if a mediocre player is staring at you, he or she is likely bluffing.
  4. Image titled Play Poker Step 18.png
    Think on your feet. Don’t get bogged down with systems, react to situations as they arise. Every poker situation is different because of the human factor.
  5. Image titled Play Poker Step 19.png
    Plan your bankroll accordingly. When you are learning, you should never invest more than what you would consider “fun” to lose. Don’t add to your bankroll after losing everything you’ve invested. Wait until you are comfortable losing that amount again.
    • When you start winning on a regular basis, adjust your bankroll to maximize your earning potential. The general rule of thumb is you should be able to afford to lose 200 bets at the highest limit. So if the limit is $5 bets, then your bankroll should be $1000.
    • Track your wins and losses. This will help you figure out if you are winning or losing in the long run. Also, depending on where you live, you may have to pay taxes on your gambling income.

Learning To Play Poker

Basics Of  Poker

Part 2
Playing Texas Hold’em
  1. Image titled Play Poker Step 10.png
    Understand the basic rules of Texas Hold’em. Each player is dealt 2 cards face down, and 5 community cards will be shown face up. Players try to make the best hand possible out of their 7 cards.
    • Each player takes a turn being the dealer. In Texas Hold’em, blinds take the place of an ante. The player to the left of the dealer is the small blind, and the next person is the big blind. The big blind is the minimum bet, and the small blind is half of that.
  2. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 11.png
    Begin play. Play begins with the first player to the left of the big blind. That player either calls the big blind (plays the minimum bet), raises, or folds. Play continues around the circle, with each player having to match the previous bet, raise, or fold. If no one raises, the big blind can check or raise before the next round.
  3. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 12.png
    See the flop. After the first round of betting has been settled, the dealer reveals the first 3 of the 5 cards placed face up on the board, called the flop. The dealer places the top card off the deck face-down, this is referred to as a Burn card (discarded). The next three cards from the deck are displayed face-up. Each player now has 2 cards in their hold (personal hand) and 3 community cards. Another round of betting begins, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 13.png
    See the turn. After the second round of betting, the dealer burns (discards) the next top card and then reveals the 4th card of the hand, called the turn. The remaining players bet again, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  5. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 14.png
    See the river. After the third round of betting, the dealer burns the next card and then reveals the 5th and final card of the hand. Players bet on their hands, and the winner takes the pot. If a player bets, and the rest fold, then the winning player does not need to show his or her hand.

Poker Easy Learning


Basics Of Playing Poker

Part 1
Playing 5 Card Draw
  1.  Image titled Play Poker Step 1.png
    Learn the basics of poker. Using the standard 4-suit 52-card deck, there are many variations of the game. For example, the ace normally plays high, but can sometimes play low (as the one card). A joker or other wild cards may be agreed upon. At the end of a game at the showdown, those players still remaining compare their hands according to the hand rankings (explained below). Suits are not used to break ties, nor are cards beyond the fifth (don't draw to break the tie); only the best five cards in each hand are used in the comparison. In the case of a tie, the pot is split equally among the tied/winning hands.
    • Wild cards introduce an additional hand, "five of a kind," which normally ranks above a "straight flush". When a joker is in play, it usually can only be used as (1) an ace or to (2) complete a straight or flush. It is not used as a true wild card.

  2. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 2.png
    Print out a ranking of the poker hands and memorize the hands. Become familiar with the names and meanings of poker hands and their variations. The person who wins is the person with the highest-valued hand. You can't win, if you don't know which hands will take the pot. If two players have hands with the same name (e.g. two "full houses") or no one has an obviously winning hand, then the player with the single highest value card in their hand wins (Ace is normally the highest).
  3. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 3.png
    Chip in. Place an "ante" (pronounced ant-ee), the minimum or "token bet", "pay to play," into the pot (usually a spot at the center of the table, although you can use a container/pot, if you wish). Every player places an agreed, equal amount of whatever your currency (poker chips, coins, bills, items of agreed value...). Whoever wins takes it all.
  4. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 4.png
    Deal or be dealt with. After shuffling (showing off), the dealer distributes the cards face down starting with the player to his or her immediate left and continuing clockwise, one card at a time until everyone has five cards. The deck is placed in the middle of the table.
  5. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 5.png
    Look at your cards. Keep them close (some people like to put them in order), while everyone else looks at theirs. This is the time to evaluate how strong your hand is. Players often show the strength of their hand with a "tell". Some tells include shallow breathing, lack of eye contact or more than usual, facial muscle flexes (to relax or cover-up a smile), neck tension, rapid plush seen in the neck or temple, etc. Trying to deduce these will give you a better chance to know who seems thrilled or disappointed when reacting to cards. Keep your usual "poker face"; don't show a response. Some players wear large sunshades, a hat pulled low, a neck scarf to cover muscle tension, and try to have deadpan facial expressions and to conceal reactionary breathing/gasping.

  6. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 6.png
    Take turns shuffling and dealing unless the house furnishes the dealer. The person to get to start the round is usually the player on the dealer's left (or the person who was dealt the first card). That player can decide to:
    • Open - Place the first bet. Or, "check" and so pass the chance to open to the next player. If everyone checks, then it is time to draw replacement cards (explained below). But, once the pot is opened, by a bet (e.g. placing a nickel in the pot), then all of the players, including those who already had their turns have three new options, at their next turn:
    • Fold - Quit the game by putting your cards face down on the table to avoid putting more into the pot; whatever you have put in the pot stays in the pot.
    • See/call - Stay in the game by betting/putting the equivalent amount into the pot. After they've made their choices in the first round, everyone who hasn't folded may still have those options.
    • Raise - Instead of merely calling, sweeten the pot by raising, by putting in more than the last person put in the pot (to get the others to pay that much or fold). "After the open, a call or a raise", players must have their turn in order to decide whether to (1) call (pay that same amount into the pot) or (2) fold, then the next person has his or her turn.
  7. Helpful? Image titled Play Poker Step 7.png
    Draw replacement cards. Once everyone has had a turn (even if everyone checked) get rid of up to three cards (turned face down onto the table), or keep them all. Discard ones you don't think will help, and have them replaced. This is done in turn, in order going clockwise. Be sure no one can see what you had/have.
  8. Image titled Play Poker Step 8.png
    Go through another round of betting after the draw. As before, the first player can either open/bet or check, and the checking can continue until someone opens, after which players can see/call, raise or fold. Players will start folding once they realize their weak hand isn't worth the additional bet.
  9. Image titled Play Poker Step 9.png
    Showdown: Expose your cards only when there is no more reason to bet. Everyone who has not folded turns their cards over to see who has the winning hand. Winner takes all, unless there is an absolute tie, then split the pot.